Ready or not, harvest is here. While it is a stressful time for many, Astra Energy Solutions works to help reduce some of that stress. We provide on-site fuel delivery, along with delivery of Bulk Oil and DEF. We work with you to meet your operation’s needs. We provide monitored or will-call delivery for smaller fuel tanks or transport loads for larger operations. Here are some things to consider, before you begin harvest.
Fuel Tanks

It's always important to make sure your tanks are in good condition, but it is critical they continue to work during harvest. Before harvest, it's a good idea to do a quick check to make sure everything will run smoothly. Check for any leaks, signs of contaminants or water in your tank, or any problems with the fuel or any of the equipment. This is also a good time to make sure that everyone that will have access to your fuel tanks understands how they work and how to use them safely. Continue to monitor the tanks and equipment for any problems and contact us if you notice any issues.
Fuel Levels
It is a good idea to check your fuel levels before you get started. Even if your tanks are monitored, checking fuel levels to prepare for harvest is a good idea. Running out of fuel in the middle of harvest is not a good situation. Contact us if you have any issues or concerns.
If you choose not to have your tanks monitored, make sure to call and place your order with plenty of fuel to hold you over until the next delivery arrives. If you choose to have your fuel deliveries made by will-call, you will get billed for the full amount of fuel delivered. This will be added in your bill from your Coop.
Our fuel monitors remove the need for you to watch your fuel level. When you get to a predetermined level, an order will automatically be placed for your fuel tank. When you choose to be a monitored customer, you are not billed for the fuel delivery but rather the fuel that you used during that billing period. The billing period is mid-month to mid-month, and will be billed through the Coop.
Cardtrol Locations
If you don’t have on-site fuel, visit your Coop’s location to find our premium fuel. We monitor fuel levels for the cardtrol locations multiple times a day, and work with a few different carriers to get fuel delivered to these locations as quickly as possible. If you have any concerns, please contact us or the Coop’s petroleum manager.
Bulk Oil and DEF
While fuel is a major concern, don’t forget about oil and DEF to keep your equipment running as it should. If you haven’t already, check your supply and place an order if you need to. If you are unsure of what lubricants you need, call us or use the Cenex Lubricants Recommendation Tool: https://chs-cenex.ewp.earlweb.net/en_US/browse.
Contact Us
Astra Energy Solutions is here to help you through harvest. With on-site fuel delivery, bulk oil, & DEF, we are working to help keep your operation moving during this busy time. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Office: (316) 542-9911 Ext.2
Energy Specialist: (316) 680-8549